‘Life Without Plastic’ Toothbrush

With concern growing over microplastics getting into our bodies and environment, perhaps it is time to make a sustainable change to your hygiene routine.

“Living up to their name, Life Without Plastic has created plastic-free toothbrushes made from responsibly-harvested beechwood preserved with linseed oil. The bristles are made from (disinfected) boar hair that is sourced as a byproduct of the meat industry, meaning they are totally compostable.”

Source – https://www.consciouslifeandstyle.com/zero-waste-toothbrushes/

source: https://lifewithoutplastic.com/

“Jay Sinha and Chantal Plamondon, who live in Wakefield, Quebec, started the store Life Without Plastic in 2006, a few years after their son was born. They wanted to avoid exposing him to bisphenol A, found in many baby bottles, but they had trouble finding a safer alternative. When Ms. Plamondon tracked down a glass bottle, it was one of the first items they sold. Since then, the site and its customer base have evolved. “It was more the mother crowd before, but in the past few years, it’s about plastic pollution, the oceans,” Ms. Plamondon said. “Recently we noticed more millennials shopping the site.” – Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/16/style/plastic-free-living.html

source: https://lifewithoutplastic.com/

“The plastic toothbrush market is HUGE, and a large majority of plastic toothbrushes end up in landfills or the oceans. Because toothbrushes need to be replaced three or four times a year. All that plastic really accumulates over a lifetime. We found the perfect toothbrush. Its handle is made of Miso bamboo, which grows quickly and is considered a renewable and sustainable resource. No need to cut out the head; this toothbrush is 100% compostable. No nylon bristles. Its bristles are all natural as they are made of boar hair that has been thoroughly disinfected. This hair is a by-product of the meat industry in China. Rather than discarding the hair, this supplier cleans and uses them to build brushes.  You might think, “yuk, pig hair!”, but worry not, the pig hair is completely cleaned before being used to make the brushes. With these natural bristles, you can actually adjust the bristle hardness to your preference based on the moisture level. If you want them really soft, just soak the brush in warm water for a minute before brushing. It is completely normal to find some bristles that fall out from time to time.” – source  https://lifewithoutplastic.com/plastic-free-compostable-bamboo-toothbrushes-for-adults-pack-of-10/

Source: https://lifewithoutplastic.com/

MSRP: $75 for a 10-pack. Source: https://lifewithoutplastic.com/plastic-free-compostable-bamboo-toothbrushes-for-adults-pack-of-10/

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